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Suffolk Outdoor Learning

Check out what's happening across our Groups in Suffolk.

Our Story

I set up Suffolk Outdoor Learning Ltd to get families back to exploring the great outdoors across Suffolk.

I’m Caz and I have been inspiring children for over 20 years. I focus on improving wellbeing, positive mental health, creativity, playing and learning by exploring the outdoor environment through crafts, investigation and study.

We have several varied habitat bases across Suffolk.

Our main bases are: Landguard Nature Reserve, Rendlesham Forest, Suffolk Water Park, Sproughton Millennium Green, Needham Lakes, Upper Layham and Our Forest School Area at Higham.

My main aim at Suffolk Outdoor Learning is to inspire and teach children and their parents, grandparents and friends to climb trees in the woods, run and roll in wild meadows, explore rock pools and the sea shore, climb and balance over hills and boulders, splash in muddy puddles, paddle in streams, forage, light fires, learn new skills like archery and den building, take on new challenges, make new friends and to learn how to take risks in a safe environment.

And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling. -Shanti

Latest from the blog:

Forest School Facebook Page reaches 1.4k

Published on: 18/06/2022